Okay, I know of a lot of cool house rules for light. 

I have some personal favorites, but before I share those, what do you like?

I'll post a poll and get into illumination, infravision, torches, lanterns, candles and magic light. 

As an overall note, I tend to give explanations of rooms, creatures, and situations based on how well the group can see in combination with how far away they are. Of course sound, smell, touch and even taste can be awesome clues too. 

Do you let infravision characters see EVERYTHING? I try to avoid all color clues and explain encounters in terms of shapes. Details are vague. And familiars who do recon and report to their masters are loyal but often dim witted and small, and food motivated. Their report of a treasure room might not be too exciting.

I'd love to hear your thoughts!




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