Vivian || Sugar Cubed Studios
6 months ago

Project Update: Adventure Owlbears + Production Update

Greetings Adventurers~

Things are looking better here at home. Our first part of the repair has already been completed and we're finally onto fixing the roof of our house, now that insurance has processed everything. Whoo! I'm in a more comfortable and less stressed out point now where I can comfortably work on this.

All the plushies have now gone into production. We're about a month delayed from where I would have liked us to be, but as long as the gears are finally rolling, I'll take it as a win. At the moment, both iterations of the owlbears are going through product testing for ASTM F963.

What is ASTM F963?
It is a toy safety standard in the USA. The test intends to cover a wide variety of safety requirements for all sorts of toys, such prevention from choking, sharp edges (the beak is so sharp), and other hazards.

Speaking of the aforementioned delay: due to the delayed start in production, the completion is more than likely to be delayed as well. Ideally, we're pushed back a month, but I'll know more on the new timeline once mass production gets started for these guys!

Now onto photos!

It took a little bit for the Adventure Owlbears to come in, but they're finally home from their journey across the sea and lookin' so cute! Photographs are courtesy of my mom, since I was busy traveling when these little guys came in.

Once I have a little bit more free time, I'll make sure to take pics of them with their larger counterpart.

For the Brown Owlbear, there was a miscommunication and his eyes were embroidered black, but in the final mass production, it'll be changed to brown to match his big bro's eyes! 

I do want to thank you guys for your patience and understanding during the unforeseen damages from Hurricane Beryl and the delays it caused due to power outages and damages to my home. It took a lot of weight off my shoulders, and now that I'm in a much more comfortable spot, I'll be doing more regular updates as merch come in! 




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