Greetings Backers! We are excited to announce that going forward, the Kindred of the Abyss will have direct compatibility with One Page Rules' Grimdark Future setting.
While the official set up is taking place (and may take a few days) we are confident enough to excitedly let you know that there is now an immediate way to directly play Kindred as their own faction in a game - Which is very exciting.
You will begin to see this "Compatible with Grimdark Future" tag on several of our images, and hopefully this is just the beginning. At the conclusion of the campaign (When I have a little bit more time) we will also be adding a custom army rulebook for the Space Bears - Beloved fan favourites!
We do not just want to announce our minis are compatible and leave it there, we wish to craft more bespoke rules for the factions - And we have already begun - with the first Army Book "Kindred of the Void"
Its worth noting here, we have changed the name slightly just for Grimdark Future. Kindred of the Abyss is our faction and our name, but the void represents the fully involved space setting of Grimdark Future. This way, in communication it will be clear when we are referring to our faction rules in OPR Grimdark Future, as opposed to our own game as it is developed.
Hopefully soon we will be listed up on the creator page, but until then, here is a link to the army book I have crafted so you can start list building today!