The Black Piper
6 months ago

Project Update: Tales: Going Into Formatting

Hi all,

I have to apologize. We realized that we sent out a brief update about Tales to newsletter subscribers but failed to send one here. I'm aiming to rectify that now!

Tales Status

If I hadn't mentioned this before, all of the stories have been edited, and most of the front/back matter is prepared. We are putting the finishing touches on that and will be handing this off our formatter, who has just returned from a conference. My understanding is that formatting should be a fairly quick process, but we'll let you know if there are any hiccups.

As soon as that's done, we'll send the files to the printer for the physical copies, and you should be receiving digital copies of the Tales anthology! So, that should be wrapping up soon!

The Soundtrack

We are currently in the thick of composition with a lot still to get through. However, you have been waiting a long time for this literary and sonic awesomeness, and we don't to keep you waiting any longer. So, our plan is to begin sending you individual tracks one at a time, spread out to allow for proper composition and mixing.

Once we have sent you all the tracks, they will actually go through a mastering process, whereby we will compile them into a complete album and balance the tracks against each other, putting them into a proper order, etc. Once that is complete, we will send you the full album (again), as the tracks will sound even more glorious.

By the way, these stories have all turned out so awesome and we're extremely excited to be sharing them with you soon!

All the best,
Michael & The Team @ The Black Piper




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