Guess what??? FINALLY after more than a year of preparation, Refractions is now off to the mastering engineer! Oh my, we are SO STOKED!
What a year+ of effort looks like in spreadsheet form
You'll notice there are some blank checkmarks above. That's because the mastering engineer will also be mixing those tracks.
You'll also notice that there are 25 total tracks. Yeah, we kind of snuck a few in there we didn't originally plan on. Sorry about that....
Timeline (Refractions)
The mastering engineer will be looking things over today and giving me an estimate on timeline, but it really isn't that much farther to go!! I might guess 2 weeks, but he does work fast. We'll let you know, though.
Whew - I just have to say - this album has taken so much more effort than we thought it would. A lot of sleep sacrificed, but, you know, I think it's so worth it in the end for the art. (We hope you'll agree once we get this thing into your hands!)
Now, just have to settle on a cover...
One note - once the music and cover are done, we'll send the tracks out to all those who paid for Refractions (which was an add-on to the campaign.) We are looking to put the album up on streaming platforms and put it up for sale, but that might not happen for a couple of months.
So, now that we've wrapped on the main work for Refractions, we can fully turn our attentions / efforts to music for Tales of The Black Piper.
On the literary side of Tales, the stories are currently undergoing final proofing - but that won't affect the music aspect. The stories are essentially ready for us to get moving on.
Well, that's it for now. More soon.
All the best, Michael & The Team @ The Black Piper