Hey everyone! Well, we officially made my book a reality today. You really showed out! I have been smiling all day long. Prior to the start of the campaign, I was filled with a lot of self-doubt about completing this book and whether or not people would even understand my mission, let alone back my campaign. Each night as I review the backers for the day and make my graphics, I'm reminded that there are loads of people who want to see me succeed...I feel loved right now. AND, you have so graciously donated 198 books to our 6 organization. Wow! I know they will each be so excited to receive at least 33 books each.
I am grateful for each of you, but our work is not over.
We have 10 days left in this campaign. Here are a few next steps: 1. Get as many pre-orders as possible before the end of the campaign. (You can help by sharing on social media or just telling a friend.) More orders means more donated books.
2. Unlock Stretch Goal # 1: Upgrades to Dust Jacket when we hit $7000 We are even pricing out some upgrades to some interior pages as well. Stay tuned. See Achievement Below
3. Unlock Stretch Goal #2: Make our book, Bugzee and the Bees accessible to blind and deaf children when we hit $8000. See Achievement Below