Nocola Williams
6 months ago

Project Update: Buzzin' With Excitement

Well done everyone. (Clap, clap, clap) I am excited to announce that we have unlocked our second achievement at $8000. I feel so happy about this one and I hope you do too! We can now make our book accessible to children with no/low vision and no/low hearing. I want to reach into my computer and high 5 each of you.
The next achievement unlocks at $10,000. I know that seems like a lot, but we raised almost $3,000 the first day. As of 8:15 pm EST we have only 68 hours left in the campaign. If each of you shares just once we can get the editing and illustration process started for the next Bugzee book. If we reach this goal, you get to decide which book gets published next: 1. Bugzee's ABCs of Beekeeping: A Glossary in Rhyme     2. The Not So True Adventures of Bugzee and the Bees (Early Chapter Book Series)  3. Bugzee's Big Book of Fun (Activity/Coloring Book)

Here are tonight's updates:
When we reach $8,000...Our book will be made accessible to children with low/no vision and hearing
Goal: $8,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
When we reach $10,000...The publishing process starts for the next Bugzee Book
Goal: $8,366.50 / $10,000
We need $1,633.50 more to reach this goal.





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