3 months ago

Project Update: RELEASE THE HOUNDS 🐶

Hello you ferocious weirdos,

Cameron here- DOG EAT DOG launches in less than 4 hours as part of MOTHERSHIP MONTH! As part of the Wages of Sin group BackerKit Project, we have all sorts of cool perks and treats in store for the very goodest of boys. This whole thing is gonna be off the chain.

I only think in dog puns now. I am not sorry.

A troubling amount of love and attention has been poured into this project- including the ABSOLUTELY BARKING MAD Actual Play show The Panic Table is producing ALONGSIDE the book!

We couldn't be more thrilled to have each of you along on the journey.  

Fun reminder: backers in the first 48 hours get a FREE Red Fern Kennel Club patch!

There are so many cool projects available during Mothership Month, so check them out.  Me? I'm particularly pumped about ORGY OF THE BLOOD LEECHES.  Lots to see, lots to do, and only a few hours left until launch! HERE WE GO. 

In the meantime, please enjoy the absurd poll weighing just *who* is the goodest of boys... once I figure out how to enable that backerkit feature...

With rabid Enthusiasm,

Cameron & Jack

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