
🆕 Core Book (Printed)
🩸Core Book (PDF)
🆕 Playbooks (Printed)
🩸Role Playbooks (PDF)
🩸Digital Stretch Goals
🩸Applicable Physical Stretch Goals
🩸Complimentary DriveThruRPG PDFs
🩸Alchemy RPG support

This pledge level is recommended for those of you who:
  • Want to cover the basics of the game, but need a beautiful physical book
  • Want to make things easier for their players at the table
  • Are interested in some Add-Ons, but prefer to pick and choose

Note: in this case "Applicable Physical Stretch Goals" means anything we unlock to improve the book or the Role Playbooks. "Digital Stretch Goals" include ONLY potential Stretch Goals involving the Core Book or the Role Playbooks.



16 Backers