What is a Smoke Test Survey?
Before creators are able send surveys to all of our backers, Backerkit requires that we send a "Smoke Test" to 5% of backers across all pledge levels. The smoke test is to make sure there are no issues with the survey before sending it to the rest of the backers. 

If you get notified of a Survey for Werewolf in the Dark:
Please respond and fill out the survey. It is a REAL survey and the information you provide will be used. If you (or we) find any issues with your survey, there will be follow-up communications. Chances are good you won't have to fill out another survey later on (not counting shipping).

If you DO NOT get a survey:
Don't worry. You are part of the other 95% of backers. You'll get your survey soon. Check in for an update in September to let you know when you should expect your survey. We will always do our best to answer any of your questions.

Speaking of, please let us know if you have any concerns or questions. You can comment here, on this project, in an update, or (probably best) send us an email at [email protected]
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