Two Little Mice
3 months ago

Project Update: ACTION FLICKS 2 now available!

Greetings, Adventurers!

You'll be thrilled to know that ACTION FLICKS 2 is finally HERE!
But before we dig in, please know that:

  • Action Flicks 2 will be sent you by email in the next hours. Check the email address you used on the Pledge Manager and the SPAM folder. If you don't receive anything in the next 48 hours please write us at [email protected]

  • We are stil reviewing AF2. There might be typos or other mistakes in the files. If you spot anything, please help us make a better book by reporting them at [email protected]

  • AF2 is currently available for Backers only. We will make it available for purchase on DrivethruRPG before the end of the year. If you make a late pledge after this update, you will receive your AF2 PDF within the next 7 days (not right away!)

  • Late Pledges for Outgunned are still open until December 15th.

  • On December 5th we'll make a cool announcement regarding the future of Outgunned. Stay tuned!

  • Currently we're crowdfunding another game that shares the same DIrector's Cut system as outgunned: HOUSEHOLD! We would be thrilled to have you with us for this great (yet tiny) adventure!


  • STAR KNIGHTS: Rules to unleash the "Power", and to surrender to the "Darkness". New Weapons: the Star Sword and the Double Star Sword. Includes a new Role: The Star Knight.

  • OLD ONES: A new mechanic called "Madness", that will slowly reduce your maximum Grit as you face terrible cosmic horror, but will also grant you some powerful Gifts. Includes a New Role: The Nightmare Investigator.

  • WILD WEST: Rules for Quick Draw duels that feel very different from any other OG dice mechanics. Includes a new Role: The Gunslinger.

  • DARK LIGHT: New Tags to play as an Angel or Demon, and to face otherworldly Enemies. Includes a new Role: The Emissary.

  • MIGHTY SWORD: A new resource, the Might. New weapons and Enemy Feats.  Includes a new Role: The Barbarian.

  • DISTRICT 77:  A new Buddy Mode, and charts for random "Relationship Issues" with your Buddy. Includes a new Role: The Rookie.

  • DINO STORM:  New highly customizable Dinosaur Enemies, and other Big Dinosaur you can just try to run from!

  • FURIOUS WASTELAND:  New Scrap, Heavy Metal, and Motorized weapons. Includes a new Role: The Dweller.

  • ARMY OF EVIL: New Zombie Enemies, and a new Tag to play as a Zombie. Includes a different take on the Enemy Special Actions, called "Horror Actions".

  • QUACK TALES: A new Tag to play as a Toon. New Toon Feat, and new Plunger weapons.

  • INSERT COIN: A new Tag to play as a Virtual Hero. Two new game modes: Stuck On-line, and In & Out. Includes a new Special Role: The N.P.C.

SURPRISE! I bet you weren't expecting to play as an N.P.C.!

Excited to finally play Action Flicks 2?

Well, it seems like the best moment to introduce you to our first RPG Household!

Household is an adventure game about tiny people living in a big abandoned House... and now in a vast Garden thanks to our newest supplement!

This tiny grand RPG uses the same DC system as Outgunned, and it's currently being funded on Backerkit, with over 330.000€ raised in just  10 days!

Let's take a look at all the books and accessories available for this campaign:

To celebrate the incredible launch of Household (our best yet!) we even unlocked a very special hexagonal metal coin! 

We'll see you on Household, or in the next Update for Outgunned Adventure!


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