Something Crawled Out Issue #1– Black Bag & Body Bag NSFW pack

Some secrets are meant to stay hidden. You’ll receive the physical versions of our Backerkit-only NSFW Black Bag cover variant by Myxomatosia and our ultra-gory Body Bag variant by Kodasea. Due to the sexual and bloody nature of these covers, both issues will come in a sealed, obscured bag with inserts to protect the eyes of innocents! These covers will arrive obscured by a black or red cardboard insert... treat yourself to a bit of dark fantasy.

Issue #1 Black Bag and Body Bag covers will ship to you in August 2024.

Please note: Black Bag and Body Bag art includes 18+ NSFW  content for adults only. We reserve the right to verify your age if needed.

Shipping for this item will be calculated and collected after the campaign through BackerKit's Pledge Manager after the conclusion of the campaign. Please see our Shipping section for an estimate of shipping costs to your region. 

Something Crawled Out Issue #1– Black Bag & Body Bag NSFW pack


2 Backers