Vault Comics
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Schedule update, and prepping for fulfillment!

Hi Something Crawled Out gang,

Hope your July has been going well! On our side of things, production on the final issues of the comic and various items is well underway, and we're also preparing for fulfillment of certain items--including the physical and digital release of Something Crawled Out #1.
We did want to let folks know that, due to an issue at our printer (out of our hands, sadly), the original release dates for Something Crawled Out have shifted back a few short weeks from our original expectations. We'll be shipping and emailing out subscription issues based on this new schedule:
  • Issue #1: releases on August 21, 2024 (originally late July 2024)
  • Issue #2: releases on September 25, 2024 (originally mid Sept 2024
  • Issue #3: releases on October 23, 2024  (originally mid Oct 2024)  
  • Issue #4: releases on November 27, 2024  (originally mid Nov 2024)  
  • SCO book edition: releases early Spring 2025 (unchanged)

So, not too big an adjustment at all, but we wanted to let you know for the sake of transparency!

Surveys to collect info from backers as we head into fulfillment next month will be headed your way soon. We've also sent out emails to collect info from our custom art tier so MadCursed can get started on that too!

We'll let you know of more updates as we begin to ship the first round of BackerKit-exclusive #1 issues and bonus materials to physical and digital subscription backers... more from us very soon!

- Your pals at Vault Comics

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