Project Update: [0005] Early access PDF OUT NOW!!
One of the cool days is finally here! Safe to say I'm nervous :) but excited
Digital File Distribution has started!
The Early Access PDF has just been sent along with the Jade Market Floor Sheet (renamed from Sector sheet to avoid confusions with the actual sectors)
Be aware it's an early access PDF, which means that the layout, design and some of the content are not final! The content itself—the core of it—will not change, so the sectors will remain the same, The Iron Hive will remain a space station built from scraps on top of scraps. But the details, extras, and small little things might change.
In case you don't know how or where your digital downloads are, go -> here.
Be aware it's an early access PDF, which means that the layout, design and some of the content are not final! The content itself—the core of it—will not change, so the sectors will remain the same, The Iron Hive will remain a space station built from scraps on top of scraps. But the details, extras, and small little things might change.
In case you don't know how or where your digital downloads are, go -> here.
What's been going on after we could touch the money you amazing people gave to us?
Meetings, meetings and more meetings!
- Met with Andrés and Rodrigo (the comic crew) and Rodrigo is already writing the content for the comic (we came up with a really fun idea to mix the comic with the booklet and I can't wait to have it more fleshed out so it can be shared)
- Met with Riki, she's all over the place with content, she'll be doing portraits for the criminal syndicates, background for some pages, improving the cover, the XY-90 Expedition patch, and maybe even more
- Missing the meeting with Alex Rojas for the Ruzt Ratz Catalogue but we're gonna get that going ASAP as well
As for me, once the money hit, the ball started rolling again, the PDF suffered a massive overhaul in terms of design and will keep evolving, I did a whole course on layout and immediately put everything into practice, I'm waiting for the printing company to get back to me and see if we add 4 more pages, these I envision as section spreads, so it'd be a lot of form over function, but the form in my head looks really nice.
Extra fun little thing: learn about the...uh...modern day criminal organization that inspired the Wraiths!
If you get the reference on random search 97, ilysm <3 as well as the 30-39, hell, even 10-19, that whole table was me having a blast, just look at 00 vs 99, fun stuff
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content