We've seen a few questions pop up regarding WHEN you'll be able to purchase the stuffy that wins and while we don't have an exact date yet we are planning to have this added to the Pledge Manager before we get to our fulfillment stage.
Speaking of the Pledge Manager!
We're in the process of getting this set up and expect to launch the Pledge Manager and open up access for Late Pledges later this month. We'll be posting here and on our social media accounts when that happens, so keep an eye out if you missed your chance.
Unlocked Special Request Packs
We succeed in hitting 1,000 backers to unlock the SPOOKY PACK and 1,200 backers to unlock the AQUATIC PACK. We'll have the final art for both coming in the next week or two. (ArchRavels Artist, Rochelle Steder is literally working on these RIGHT NOW!)
Both of these Special Request Packs will be included in every copy of ArchRavels: Magic Socks - so as long as that is part of your pledge: You'll be getting them!