28 days ago

Project Update: JAN 27 UPDATE: Clarification on changes, reminder to comment on previous update to make your voice heard for a future design!

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to avoid sending so many emails since I know that many people have been experiencing a huge uptick of emails from Backerkit in regards to their pledges, etc. I was shocked to see that it was only day 4 of the campaign and I had already sent two emails, now it's three. However I feel that this is a pretty important update since I've received several comments and I come bearing clarification on the comments that arose (by the way, thank you VERY VERY much for voicing your opinion - I mean it when I say that I really want to hear what everyone has to say! I'd like to propose another discussion where you're free to comment and let me know what you think about this - and I'd also like to take the time to remind everyone to please comment on the previous update about Pokemon that they might like to see if you haven't already! I will be pulling Pokemon with the most votes or mentions.

Right now there's several Pokemon with the most mentions are: ditto, wooloo, stufful, bulbasaur, eevee, mimikyu, cherrim. I encourage you to comment and upvote other comments that you agree with and I'll compile the most popular ones on a poll - just a reminder that for polls they only have the option of voting for one! So make it count when it comes up, make sure that your voice is heard on the previous update and during the upvoting of the comments!

First off, I wanted to clarify the designs that were for the ultra stretch goals.

Clarification on the selected designs - 

I know some of you have expressed that you have only pledged for a particular design that I no longer wanted to produce. Due to the amount of people expressing how much they wanted Emolga, I have decided to keep Emolga. Some of you have also expressed that you wanted Milotic. I want to be completely transparent with you - I went into this campaign not thinking that we'd hit our ultra stretch goals so quickly and these designs were all made in mid 2024 while the designs made for the campaign as regular stretch goals were made more recently with Pintopia in-mind. I'm fine with the other three designs of Emolga, Flaaffy and Espurr - however I am not really that happy with the Milotic design and I don't want to create a design that I am not happy with because I also want the backers to realize that if I cannot envision how it should be pulled off and how it should look, I don't want to end up delivering a product that I have a difficult time liking. However I hear you, and I understand that some of you have backed for Milotic and I will try to come up with a design that I feel I can deliver with pride. I will have more updates on this and I'll continue to try to draft a better design for milotic or fix the design. 

Clarification on changes made to existing designs - 
I also want to specify and clarify to those of you who mentioned that you already like the designs for espurr, flaaffy, and emolga. I think for Espurr and Emolga we will not see many changes as I'm already OK with the designs for those. Flaaffy may have a re-draw, but if I cannot find something that I deem "better" as a design for flaaffy, then I will continue on with the design I have. All designs are meant to be an improvement to their original design. I've done a lot of studying on soft enamel pins as I own many, many of them of my own from my own favorite creators to see what I find appealing and it comes down to a lot of minute details, even moving it a few cm or half a cm away from each other makes a huge difference. This is what I mean when I say changes. I understand that there's a large amount of fear about your pledge and support for a specific design and you want to get what you backed for, and I absolutely do too - but there's some improvements where I want to make to the designs. 

I want to specify this:

  • All changes will be revealed several days or over a week before the campaign ends - if you decide that you do not like the change, you can freely drop your pledge or change your pledge. I don't mean to say this in a negative way where if we have a differing opinion then I don't want you here because I'm truly, truly appreciative of any support - whether it was a $1 tip to the tip jar or if you wanted every single enamel pin in the collection. I wanted to remind you all that your money and time and support is incredibly valuable and I truly just want you to get something that you'd be fully happy with. Many of you have very impressive and beautiful collections and I only want you to be happy with a product that you feel earns a rightful spot in your collection. But I also have a responsibility to myself to be able to deliver a product that I'm happy with as well. I am currently working very hard on getting those changes finalized so that everyone can have ample time to make their decision; however there are now 15 designs that I'm working on and setting up blue-prints for, so this will not be done today or tomorrow, I find it more realistic to find it to be finished by Sunday (2/2) and everything will be compiled and presented to you. 
  • Please voice your opinion if you have one! I'm always looking for feedback, positive or negative, I'm always receptive to change, I will happily consider your opinions if I feel that it would benefit the project. I read every single comment and am always checking on my campaign multiple times a day. If you don't feel comfortable voicing it here, please always know that my emails are always open ([email protected]). Just know that for most of my designs, once they are revised and shown, they are usually at the point where I am content with them. 

Right now I wanted to show you just what these changes look like so that you know what to expect and what they'll be presented as - for most of these I tinkered with the anatomy, colors, or placement of things. A lot of these I feel are definitely improvements. 

Jirachi: Body was made rounder, the arm "blankets"? were made shorter, the yellow trail or tails of his design were also made to be symmetrical, I felt that this looked better.

Dragonite: The wings on the previous design were awkwardly placed and covered too much of his body. His arms also were weird. I've redrawn the design so that the arms and wings are more natural.

Shaymin: I changed the color of the red and tightened the seeds (red part) in his flowers, I added another yellow to his bottom part - I felt that the previous red was too dark. I also made the heart rounder and cuter.

Gardevoir: I studied her original design. I placed the white on her head to be closer to eye-level which is faithful to her design. She was also missing that small white undershirt that was across her body and below the red things on her design. I've added that and fixed it. I've also made the green more faithful to the light pastel green of her design.

Oshawott: I've changed the placement of his face so that he looks more natural compared to the bigness of his head. I've darkened the eyes and freckles. Changed the colors of his shell and cleaned up the lines for his design.

For Jirachi I was also bent between the two designs of mouth open or mouth closed.
I personally like the mouth open and think it would've been cute to make it recessed and colored so that more texture would make Jirachi look more unique, but I feel that the closed mouth would also be cute and faithful to what everyone has already pledged for. I don't really know what to do for this one, let me know if there's one that you strongly prefer. Right now I'm leaning towards keeping it with the closed mouth as it's the design more accurate to what people have pledged for.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts on these two Jirachis!

Where can I leave my comments for my suggested Pokemon design?

Please click the link below! Also please upvote any Pokemon that you agree with. I'll be compiling a list by the end and featuring a poll that are the top 5-7 Pokemon that receives the most mentions / upvotes.


That is all that I wanted to mention for the time being, I know that you're all getting a lot of emails from Backerkit and I didn't want to overwhelm your emails with unnecessary information, but I felt that this was definitely something that was worth mentioning early on in the campaign. It is only day 4 of the campaign and I'm so, so grateful for the support that you've all shown me. I'll continue to work very hard! Thank you all again! 

With love,
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