Doc Wyatt and his writing partner Kevin Burke serve as Head Writers and Executive Producers of the animated series NINJAGO: DRAGONS RISING. In the past, Wyatt and Burke have worked on animated TV including: TRANFORMERS: BOTBOTS, STAR WARS RESISTANCE, MARVEL'S SPIDER-MAN, LEGEND OF VOX MACHINE, AVENGERS: EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES, BATMAN UNLIMITED, TMNT, THE OCTONAUTS and many others.
With fellow TV animation writer Gavin Hignight, Wyatt co-founded WANDERING PLANET TOYS, a tiny but scrappy indie toy company operating out of Gavin's garage.
With fellow TV animation writer Gavin Hignight, Wyatt co-founded WANDERING PLANET TOYS, a tiny but scrappy indie toy company operating out of Gavin's garage.
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