Are you a creator? Check out how our surveys work.
All fields required unless otherwise specified.
Great! We ❤️ backers! Let's see how we help:
I can't find my survey.
To find your
survey, search the name of the project you backed on this page
, then enter the email you used on Kickstarter or Indiegogo.
I need to update my shipping address.
You can update your shipping address in your survey. To find your
survey, search the name of the project you backed on this page
, then enter the email you used on Kickstarter or Indiegogo.
I need help with something else.
First, find the project on BackerKit that you need help with on this page
. Once you're there, you'll find a link to the FAQ page for that project. If you don't find your answer in the FAQ,
you'll be able to email our support team from there!