9th Level Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Kobold Plush and Production Updates

Project Status

  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Orange Book - Written, working on final tweaks and updates. Final playtesting happening at Gencon, final edits expected in late August. Layout in September. 
  • SMORKAS BORG - Fully written, in editing, layout in September.
  • Kobold Plush - 3rd round of design complete, awaiting physical sample
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Digital Adventure Pack - Fully written, in editing. Layout in September. 
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Dice Set - Ordered and awaiting delivery 
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby Coloring Book - Layout not started, but 1000 orange Crayola crayons have been purchased!
  • It's Always Orange in Philadelphia Adventure - Won't be written until Orange Book playtests are complete

Kobold Plush 

In our last update we showed you the two sample version of the plush kobold. While many of you loved the longer fur version, we found it much harder to capture John Kovalic's kobold art with that style fur, so we decided on the shorter fur.  We *believe* this is our last round of updates and have gotten it where we want so the next step is getting the physical sample in our hands!!!

Come see us

T-shirt Ideas Needed 

We're planning to make some new Kobolds Ate My Baby t-shirts for next year since it's the 25th Anniversary! However, we're having trouble coming up with the perfect idea. Please vote below and/or comment with your ideas. If we pick your idea you get the shirt for free!!! 

Thank you, 
9th Level Games
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