Hardcover Signature

As a supporter at our $50 Signature Page Package tier, you get the PDF, EPUB, and a hardcover copy of the ANTICIPATION OF HOLLOWNESS solarpunk graphic novel along with a bookmarker and a Demand Utopia sticker, and discount code for 30% off your next purchase from the Android Press online bookstore.

Your paperback copy will be digitally signed with a handwritten, personalized message by Renan Bernardo, the author of the original short story the graphic novel is based on.

NOTE: Renan Bernardo lives in Rio de Janeiro and our publishing company is in Oregon, U.S. So for logistical reasons, signatures and personalized messages will be handwritten, but will then be digitally applied to your paperback copy using bookplates. For more information on this process, please visit the FAQ page for our campaign.

**Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager**

Hardcover Signature


8 Backers