Anthea Sharp
3 months ago

Project Update: Surveys are out & Preorder store is still open! (Plus here's a peek at the special editions)

Surveys are here~

Phew! I wrestled the Backerkit survey to the ground at last - which means that yours is waiting for you with open arms. And 68% of you lovely folks have already filled it out. Thank you!

If you are a digital-only backer:

Soon after you fill out the survey, your multiplicity of digital rewards will pop into your Backerkit account. This includes eBooks you pledged for (with a link over to Bookfunnel if you prefer that platform) plus all the assorted bonus goodies, like the quote card art, oracle card art, and sticker art, (to be used only for your personal enjoyment, of course). Let me know if you have any download issues~

If you are a physical backer:

I'll be locking addresses and charging cards in less than two weeks, so that I can start mailing out rewards, yay! There MIGHT be three Special Edition Book Boxes unclaimed (if the people who pledged for them don't get their card details corrected). Send me a message/drop a comment if you're sad you missed out, and I'll put you on a waitlist and let you know if any become available.

Check out these proof pictures of Mermaid Song!

I am so excited about how beautifully this book is turning out. PLUS I was able to swing something I wasn't sure I'd be able to - a duplex cover! So that's a special treat for everyone who pledged for the physical copy.

Duplex cover (full color on interior of cover) and art for Mistress Bootsi (by Psycat Graphic Design)

The print run is finalizing and copies will be shipped to me soon, ideally arriving before Thanksgiving. I'll have everything ready for a quick turn-around, so stay tuned!

The preorder store is still open...
If you followed the campaign and didn't get a chance to back, it's not too late! Check it out here:

Thanks again for your support. I appreciate you~

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