Hi, everyone!
I'm sorry that the survey is delayed. We're still working on the Outer Senshi terrariums and the sticker.
We do have a progress image of Pluto and Uranus:
Arivelle Carowyn
12 days ago
Payment Fails Pt 2! Updates on remaining pins and stickers.
Reminder again that 15 people have not fixed their payments. Please check to see if your payment has gone through. Thank you!
Meg should be done with Pluto and Uranus pins t...
Arivelle Carowyn
18 days ago
Payment Fails!
Hi, everyone!
Backerkit has attempted to charge all backers' cards, most went through while others failed.
21 backers failed with a total of $708.
Please check to see if ...
Arivelle Carowyn
21 days ago
Campaign is over! Now onto the next step.... Outer Senshi terrariums finalized sketches!
You've probably seen other Pintopians announcing that Pintopia is over, we're a little late in telling, lol.
The campaigning part is over! Ahead of us now are the surveys an...
Arivelle Carowyn
23 days ago
Streaming at 2:30PM EST with guest CZGoldEdition! 4 hrs to go!
Sorry for the second update today!
I'll be streaming about the Outer Senshi terrariums as we have wip sketches now. Meg is traveling a lot today so I probably won't be heari...
Arivelle Carowyn
24 days ago
7 hrs to go! "Pluto Crystal Power, Make Up" "Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up" "Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up" "Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up"
I am happy to announce that we have WIP sketches of Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. These are unfinished pieces, so some changes might happen, like closing the opening of...
I'm sorry that the survey is delayed. We're still working on the Outer Senshi terrariums and the sticker.
We do have a progress image of Pluto and Uranus:
Based on her transformation sequence, we're adding Pluto's heart onto the planet. With Uranus, we feel there's a little too much going on around the leaves and too much gold, so Meg is working on that. Hopefully, it won't take much longer for her to finish, so she can work on Neptune and Saturn.
I also want to wait to send surveys so people have time in between surveys in case they want add-ons and/or just to be able to have the money for paying for shipping.
Reminder again that 15 people have not fixed their payments. Please check to see if your payment has gone through. Thank you!
Meg should be done with Pluto and Uranus pins tomorrow or the day after and then she'll start on Neptune and Saturn. Once the pins are done, she'll start on the sticker design.
I've been looking for a sticker manufacturer while I wait that does clean borders instead of white ones. My personal preference. I found some manufacturers, but I need to wait for the sticker design, figure out its size, and then request quotes.
I'm waiting for the Moon terrarium pin sample to arrive to me before I make my order for her.
Surveys won't go out until I have the remaining finalized pin designs and the sticker.