Black Armada Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Sitrep re: digital downloads (and everything else)

Hello everyone!

We've had quite a few people asking when the final PDF version of the game will arrive, so I wanted to give you an update of where we are on that.

Essentially, we are waiting for Backerkit-related admin to be complete to release the PDFs. This has three aspects:
  • We need the Backerkit payments to clear. Backerkit advise waiting 14 days for this after the campaign closes. I'm talking to them to understand what will happen if we just go ahead without waiting the full 14 days, because it feels excessive to me, but I don't want to do it until I'm clear on that.
  • We need the survey and associated details set up. This was done earlier today, and I'm just waiting for Backerkit to do their checks on it, which they say will take 2 business days.
  • We need to finalise the shipping cost tables on Backerkit - obviously this only applies to print pledges, but we have to do it for everyone before we can make the survey go live. In particular we're waiting on a final number for US shipping, which is dependent on getting some final details about the printer. But I'm hoping to have that today.

So I'm hopeful that we can get the above sorted out quickly. I know there are a lot of you champing at the bit to get going with Wreck This Deck and I feel your pain! We do encourage you to use the version 1 PDF which you'll find in the last backer update, if you want to start playing the game.

While I'm here, an update on printing and shipping. As I mentioned above we're waiting for some final details about the printer but once those are resolved we should be able to arrange printing very swiftly. I'm expecting it to take about 1-2 weeks for the printed copies to arrive at our UK warehouse. We then expect it to take 2-5 weeks to arrive, depending where in the world you are, and noting that international shipping can vary a lot around that expected number.

You should hear from me again sometime next week with an update on where we are.

Blessed are the deck runners.

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