Black Armada Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Latest progress - printing

Hey folks

A brief update on where we are. We've got almost 90% of surveys in now which means we have the critical mass of shipping info that we need to get things moving. If you've completed your survey, thank you for that, and in theory you should have received the PDF of the game within 24 hours of completion if not faster. If you haven't, I'd encourage you to do so, as this will unlock your PDF copy and ensure there's no delays getting you the print zine.

Earlier this week we updated the print files to reflect an erratum caught by a backer (thank you) and have now ordered a print proof. That's estimated to arrive at the end of the month, but as we're away for a week around that time, we may not get to see it until early August. (I'm going to see whether I can get the printer to expedite this so we get it before we go away, but there's no guarantees.)

Once we've seen the print proof, assuming there are no issues with it, we'll be able to order the full print run. That ought to take another week or two to arrive, and then we can start shipping. So realistically, we're likely looking at the end of August for UK backers to get their zines, a bit later for other parts of the world.

That's a bit slower than we'd hoped but not bad given we only closed the campaign on 29 June. We'll update you again when we order the full print run.

We'd also like to highlight the amazing community engagement we've been seeing. The unofficial Facebook group, Black Armada discord, Unofficial WTD discord and Twitter Hashtag are absolutely humming with activity! It's very cool to see. There's also now an unofficial Wreck This Deck Reddit so check that out. If you want to see other people playing the game and connect with them (in or out of character!) then jump on one of those communities.

As always, thanks for your support.

Blessed are the deck runners.

Becky and Josh
user avatar image for Black Armada Games




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