Black Armada Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Wreck This Deck is shipping soon - time to lock down your addresses!

Hello everyone!

Exciting news: the print proof of Wreck This Deck arrived early and it looks great. As such we are placing our order with Print.Work. More detail below but the headline message is non-US backers need to finalise their shipping address by the end of this week.

The full set of zines should arrive at our UK warehouse at the end of next week.

Shipping will take place in two tranches:
  • Orders to addresses outside the USA will be shipped from Kixto in the UK, starting around 7 August. We want to give them a week to get everything set up so will lock addresses at the end of this week.
  • Orders to US addresses will first be shipped to IPR. I'm expecting that to start shipping a week later, around 14 August. You'll have a bit longer to finalise addresses, and we'll send out another warning when the deadline is approaching.

We will send out a 48-hour warning ahead of locking the addresses. Once the addresses are locked, you will need to contact us directly to make any changes.

If you are changing address around the window described above, drop us a message and we'll sort something out.

Here is a pretty picture of the print zine! Can't wait to get them into your hands!

Blessed are the deck runners

Becky and Josh





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