Bookwyrm Games
5 months ago

Project Update: Final Update, Updated Wallpaper Downloads, and New Campaign!

Hello Fungal Friends!

This is going to be our last update on this project; we wanted to say one final thank you to everyone for your support, and let you know that we've added one additional set of wallpapers featuring the beautiful Murrimi to the digital downloads :) If you were eligible for the wallpaper pack please head back into the digital downloads to refresh your collection!

Since fulfilment completed a couple of months ago we'll be closing this project down shortly, but we have great news! Another awesome enamel pin collection is coming up fast :D If you haven't already, please check out our Pintober campaign, Witch's Kitchen! There are opportunities for free pins, free stickers, and all manner of spoopy happenings. Please check it out HERE or at the link below and help us hit our goal on Day 1 so that we can unlock all the jellies possible!

Once more, thank you all, have a great spoopy season, and as always we are so so grateful for your support <3

Michael and Morgan

user avatar image for Bookwyrm Games





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