Bookwyrm Games
11 months ago

Project Update: Mushrooms, Familiars, 24 Hours to Go! This is it!!!

Hello everyone! If you've been waiting to back or upgrade your pledge now is the time! With 24 hours to go we're very excited to see which of the remaining Fungal Familiars you'll discover in their rare shiny forms. We still need your help to bring us over the finish line, and we'd greatly appreciate your support :D

Speaking of Shinys, we've unlocked another overnight! The only problem is that Henni the Axolotl and Shiitake the Snake are tied in our poll; We don't think that such good friends should be separated, so we've decided to just unlock both of them at once! This means that if we can add $1200 to this campaign we'll unlock EVERY SHINY FAMILIAR TYPE!!!

ALSO! We're so so close to unlocking the Fungal Familiars rules-light RPG adventure; just 10 more backers and we'll be releasing the first little module. If you like RPGs, playing as little mushy heroes, and standing up against the darkness, please tell your friends to head to the campaign and help us unlock this cute little game :D

Thank you all so, so much for your support during this campaign. This is our first time making pins like this, and the community we've found has been beautiful and wonderful. You all rock so much, and we're really excited for you to receive your brand new Fungal Friends. We have so much love and gratitude for all of you <3.

Morgan and Michael

12 votes
With 100 friends in the Fae Forest we'll unlock a small adventure for everyone to share!
Goal: 91 / 100 backers
We need 9 more to reach this goal.
Upon reaching $4800, we will discover the SEVENTH *SHINY* Fungal Familiar!
Goal: C$4,800 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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