Bookwyrm Games
9 months ago

Project Update: Pins Complete and Imminent Shipping!!!

Hey Fungal Friends! We have some great news for this update that we're excited to share! Sorry for the delay in messaging, but we wanted to wait until we had some actual news, and images to share ;) Read on!

Pin Status

COMPLETE! The pins are finished, being placed on backing cards, and put in bags as I type :D Your Familiars are very soon to be on their exciting adventure to join your party! This means shipping is right around the corner, so please make sure you take this last chance to update your address if needed before we lock addresses down. We'll be doing that next week, so please make sure you've checked. 

Errored Cards and Failed Payments

There are still a couple of pledges that haven't been able to charge; just as a reminder, we won't be able to ship your Fungal Familiars if the payment hasn't gone through, and 3 months after fulfilment ends we'll be closing any possible shipments, so please make sure you've gone in and checked your card for errors or you may not be able to receive your pledge rewards. We want to make sure everyone gets their little Fungal Friends safe and sound, so check today!

The Fun(gal) Stuff!

Still here? Awesome :D We've got some pictures for you of some of the completed shiny familiars! Check it out -

We're so excited to get these delightful little guys into your adventuring party, and we'll be shipping out very soon! There's going to be one more update just before we lock addresses, one when we begin shipping, and then one when we complete. Hopefully you're all as happy as we are how these turned out :D 

Happy adventuring everyone :D 

Morgan and Michael
user avatar image for Bookwyrm Games





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