Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
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That said: outside of all of the other cleverness of the show, I spent a lot of time thinking about the music cues, which trend very contemporary (which, to me, adds to the goofy charm, but I can easily see someone without a sterner stomach struggling with it) and usually these music cues trend specifically to "cover of a modern pop song by a girl-pop band" type choices. It feels unconventional, but to me says something about the audience they want to capture and entertain, and I think it works.
This, of course, led me to a question that might be really polarizing:
What sort of music would you put to a fight scene--or a love scene!--in a romantic fantasy, especially in sword & sorcery, where atmosphere is a huge part of the appeal?
--scenes you might want to write?
--scenes you have already read?
--scenes you might be hoping for in our fair tome?
There are no wrong answers, but I'm dying to know what you might pick!
Nota bene:
Please don't slag anyone else's choices--it takes all kinds, and sometimes something really unexpected works well to highlight a scene that might be very understated with the "expected" choices!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
It's been seven months since the last update. Despite being unable to find the time to keep backers informed, you somehow manage to send me plenty of notifications for new opportunities to send you money. What was going to be a Christmas present turned into a Valentine's Day present and has now slipped into the category of "failed projects that I have backed." At least have the decency to tell us that you're not going to ship this book, so we don't plan around it.
Project Update: Progress Report and...a New Book with TWO Covers???
- Editing our six manuscripts for the book is currently on schedule for our goal of shipping in the Winter of 2024.
- We've just launched a crowdfund for a new book, binding two novellas in a single edition: Double-Edge Sword & Sorcery! Click to learn more.
There isn't much to show, visually, that wouldn't just be extremely spoiler-heavy screenshots of Microsoft Word files, but as it has been a while since the crowdfund ended we felt it was time for an update.
Our editor is working hard in tandem with our authors to polish their manuscripts until they shine brighter than Valyrian steel, and so far things are looking good for us shipping to backers before the Winter of 2024 is over.
Two novellas, bound in one book.
Mongol-inspired Sword & Sorcery.
A caravan striking out under an open desert sky...
...and a claustrophobic, pressure-cooker siege.
We feel strongly that novellas are a fantastic length for Sword & Sorcery, giving authors room to further develop character & setting, while still short enough to be in sync with the genre's thirst for quick-paced adventure!
So why not give you two, each written by one of the most talented S&S authors working today?
Our crowdfund launches at 8am EST tomorrow (Thurs, Sept 19th). You can learn more, and sign up to be alerted the moment things kick off, by clicking these schmancy Internet words.
Project Update: 151% Funded! (What Comes Next?)
- WE FUNDED! THANK YOU SO MUCH! That's three crowdfunds for three, y'all.
- Right now backers are being charged for their pledges.
- Backers will be charged for shipping approx. four weeks before fulfillment. This is also likely when surveys will be sent out to collect necessary information such as mailing addresses, though the surveys may come sooner.
- Our current goal for fulfillment is "Winter 2024", so expect to be charged for shipping in late September at the earliest.
- All backers are cordially invited to join our Discord server through this link:
- Though we'll be much quieter for a little while, if you'd like more regular updates and other fun info, we can be followed on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
We have made fantastic progress on the writing for the anthology, with drafts of all six stories already being edited by Jay. This is also a blessedly simpler project compared to the magazine, though no less exciting, and that gives me hope for how fast we'll be able to get the books to y'all.
I'd like to repeat that The New Edge Sword & Sorcery Discord, a great online hang-out I'd love to see your digital faces in, is a fun spot to chat about
It's also a breeding ground for goofs like, as you may have seen in our NESS 2024 crowdfund, how Meatball Subs Are The Only Real Sandwich, and the only time I get to eat one is when we've finished funding another publication.
Can we make meatball subs the official sandwich of Sword & Sorcery? Perhaps with enough battle-axe emojis...
Alright, that's all from me for now. Please make sure to read through IN SHORT for the practical details of what's happening with charging backers for pledges, charging for shipping, our rough schedule and more.
Keep your
Project Update: Sextuple Art UNLOCKED. Onward to cheaper shipping!
Huzzah! This book just got a whole lot better, with lovely art for every tale. Thanks everybody, I really enjoy art direction and now I'll get to more of it! Until the book comes out, you can see more samples of Trevor aka KUBO's art on his Instagram.
Now we press onward to our International Shipping Discount! With the rest of the week to go, we just might make it.
Please do feel free to share the campaign with anybody you think might be interested, either individuals in your life or online communities that might dig a spicy, romantic Sword & Sorcery cocktail of an anthology - now with plenty of art!
Meanwhile, did you see we have a better picture of the Battle-Axe Rainbow Metal Pin add-on?