Good day! Welcome back to your bi-weekly Gloomhaven update, where things keep moving along! We've got progress reports on Gloomhaven, which is so very close to completion, along with the RPG and minis.
There were some concerns about the content of the RPG brought up in last time's comments, which we'll do our best to address down below, so let's get to it!
All files have been sent to the printer, except the startup guide (the piece of paper that gets put on top that tells you how to organize the box), which is in progress, and the rule book, which is in the final editing stages. Digital proofing is well underway, and once those final components are in a good place, we'll be moving forward with physical proofing as quickly as possible so that we can still hit the milestones we need to get the game out of the factory before the Lunar New Year.
Here are some images of cool stuff!
A scenario setup for the rule book and back of box.
Some random scenario cards. What are these intriguing objects?
This week we have some exciting photos to share of a selection of approved miniature samples that we finally have in hand! These are all polyurethane (PU) samples that were already approved in the previous red wax phase and are representative of as close to final production detail/quality until mass production begins. It's really exciting to have these in hand, and we're very happy with the detail and character in each. Price took some photos next to the City Guard miniature we've shown off previously for scale.
We have a few other models that passed through digital modifications since last update, and we're continuing to put pressure for more wider sweeping progress with sculpting now entirely behind us! We're also being told the final production Gloomhaven mercenary molds should be completed in the next two weeks, so we'll be sure to share final samples in another update or so once we have them.
Harrower Infester
Bandit Archer
Stone Construct
Living Bones
Burrowing Blade
Lightning Eel
Update from Danielle:
This week we have a few updates. Some good, some not so great, and some just a little neutral.
The good: we’ve still got more art coming in, and it’s looking great! I’m excited to share a few pieces with you today.
The not so great: our layout artist, Miguel, came down with a rare version of Dengue Fever that nearly hospitalized him and has left him unable to continue freelancing while trying to catch up on his day job and recover. Thankfully, I know a lot of people in the industry, and I was able to tap a replacement layout artist the same day Miguel informed me that he needed to step away, Adam. So while we’ve lost a little time from Miguel’s illness, we won’t lose any time from this point on.
The neutral: I saw a lot of folks asking about mechanics and play on our last update. I’ve written up a bunch of designer diaries over the past year that delve into mechanical considerations and talk about how the game works. You can find them all here: Additionally, we’ve tried to include those in our bi-weekly updates, and I’ve included some mechanics in our updates separately from that. But if you missed those for whatever reason (or just forgot because it’s been a hot minute), I’ve got some basic mechanical stuff from the introduction here to share with you that should get you up to date.
The Rules
Gloomhaven: The Roleplaying Game uses a unique rules system based on the board game’s mechanics. Mercenaries use Attributes, Backgrounds, and Skills to interact with the world around them. Attributes measure the character’s innate abilities, Backgrounds represent the character’s upbringing, attitude, and past circumstances, and Skills represent their education, training, and cultural ethos.
Whenever a mercenary wants to interact with the world in a way that carries risk, the player uses their Modifier Deck to determine the outcome. The Modifier Deck starts with 20 cards, which are shuffled together to create a random draw pile. The player draws the top card and adds the number printed on the card to their action’s ability to determine the end result.
Modifier cards have two numbers on them, one (in a hex on the right side of the card) for challenges that use Attributes to determine a success or failure outcome, and another (in a circle in the center of the card) for attacks to determine the amount of damage inflicted. Certain cards might create a critical success (x2) or critical failure (Null) state, and players can add additional bonuses and modifications to their Modifier card draw via Backgrounds, Skills, and a system called Advantage and Disadvantage (draw twice and take the better/worse result).
The game assumes mercenaries are competent individuals who can successfully perform most tasks associated with their profession, such as using their weapons and dealing with the necessities of travel. Therefore, success and failure are not binary pass/fail results. Sometimes failure still achieves the desired outcome but carries consequences for the action. Sometimes success can be so great that it carries additional benefits.
And here’s a modifier card for reference:
Perk cards will similarly carry an Attribute modifier number as characters advance in their class.
As for Skills, all ancestries and classes have Skills (ability cards) that explain their abilities. These are similar, yet different, from what you’re used to in the board game, and they’ve been renamed and given utility for use outside of combat. You can use Skills outside of combat to cast magic, do things normal people just can’t, and get bonuses on mundane actions. Using them this way gives a bonus to the check and Advantage. Then in combat, you still choose two actions from the set of Skills, but you also have two always available Talents that you can use, which never get lost or discarded. All mercenary classes have an effective “hand size” of 6 Skills made up of both class and ancestry Skills, and players must pick carefully which Skills they want to use after each Long Rest.
Finally, here’s that art I promised to share.
Bladeswarm by Nicolas Jamme
Spellweaver by Nicolas Jamme
If you live in the US, it is election day! This is just a simple reminder to please vote! Even if your options don't excite you, it is still vitally important to make your voice heard. It's the best way you'll get to see the changes you want, even if they are slow and incremental.
Also, if you're planning a trip to PAXU in month, know that we will be there with a dedicated RPG room! If you're interested in checking it out, we'll be running 4-hour games every day at 10:30 and 3:30 in room 104A. You can sign up with the PAX Nav app the day of, or just walk in and hope to get a seat. More info here!