8 days ago

Project Update: Una Ube Wins + Stella Sea Lion Poll + Batty Sample + more!!

Hi hi hi!

Sorry I wasn't here with an update yesterday. My time had to be spent elsewhere, but I'm am free now! I hope everyone is having a great week so far! If not, I hope this cute update helps.

First, I want to show you the samples I have, side by side! I just think it's so interesting to see the difference in manufacturers. This is 3 different companies! They're all cute, but I feel like the official Bella really looks like my art and I love it.

Catsie is on her way, too! She should be here Thursday, so I'll get some good photos of her with Bella. I cannot wait fhfhf.

Una Ube Update: In other news, Una Ube won the last poll with 128 votes! I wish I had the resources to make sure every character could be made this campaign, because I love them all equally, but they will all be real eventually. I will not give up until they are haha. Here is a cute Una for everyone who voted for her! We are so, so close to unlocking her. 

Character Info Sheets Update: I will be back later today with character info sheets, too! I have been working on them steadily. I thought it would be a quicker process, but I have been drawing new art for them, so that slowed me down a bit! It seemed necessary though, what with how much the project has evolved-- AND some of them didn't even have proper art. Thank you for your patience on this!!

Stella Strudel Update: Some of you have noticed that we have a new poll! I'm attaching it to this update, too. Please vote on our color scheme, if you'd like to participate!

I am also considering the suggestions for a Selkie cookie, so we can have our little anthro creature with a cute fin tail hehe. I love an anthro character with a cute fin tail. It is one of my weaknesses.

But I also love our little chonky sea lion, too. She looks like she would make a good pillow, huh?

Batty Bonbon Update: We got an update from the manufacturer! They seem to be struggling a little more with her, but I think after this update, we should be good to go!

Last, but not least, I found a cute bow and it fit perfectly on Bella. Please look. 

Okay, that's all I have right now!!! I will be back soon. Thank you so much for reading these updates and supporting us!!
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