3 months ago

Project Update: Gertie Update + Checking in!

Hello, Cookie Crew!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I've been staying busy myself. If you aren't apart of our Discord, I definitely recommend checking it out! I update there frequently as it is easier to post video and images. But I do intend to continue updating through Backerkit, too. I know not everyone has a Discord, or desire to use it.


Gertie Gumball

I think she is finished! I'm pretty happy with how she turned out, and I hope everyone is too. She is on her way to me, and I will get better pictures as soon as she gets here! This is the best I can do for a GIF. I have to lower the quality a lot to be able to share it here haha.

Millie Muffin

I've paid for Millie and finished his reference! Now we wait. There are quite a few dolls ahead of him still. They're working on London and then they'll start on either Paris, Dotty, or Una! I'm not sure which one, but I'm excited for all of them. The designer seems to really have the process down. I'm so happy with the progress we've made and it isn't even January yet!

Any who, here is that reference!

Millie Muffin

London Lollipop

I cannot remember if I shared his first prototype here or not! But we are on sample 3 of London. They're waiting for a nose to come in! It was supposed to arrive yesterday, but it looks like it might be another day.

This was the second sample they sent me. Still rather mousey, in some ways, and they forgot his cheek fluff, and the fur above his nose is wrong. But they managed to give him bangs, which is great!

I've already put in a request for alterations, so hopefully sample 3 will be the one. I just thought I'd share something!

Remi Razzles

I know I said we would have a Remi update much sooner, but I think I've been putting them off because of all the discourse around their design. I started sketching tonight, though! I hope by tomorrow I'll have an actual update for them. I'll post it here, and on Discord! I really appreciate the patience regarding Remi.


I have filmed footage and taken some pictures!! My goal is to have them edited and everything sometime tomorrow. So, maybe the next update will be cute gifs, photos, and Remi!!

Nessie finally made it to my house and she is so cute in person. I wish pictures and video did these cuties justice. Here is a sneak peak!!

Also, the collars fit on my puppo and our cats, too! It's super silly and super adorable. 

I think that is all I got for now!! I'll be back soon! If you have any questions or concerns, you can ask them below or email me at [email protected]!

I'm available on Discord, if you need to DM me my username is Charmsey!

Remember, I'm honoring refunds up until the surveys lock. So if at any point the campaign or character you were hoping to get isn't speaking to you, feel free to reach out!

Thank you for all support! I can't wait for everyone to get their things!!

user avatar image for Charmsey





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