2 months ago

Project Update: Remi + Una Update

Hey there Cookie Crew!!

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! I am here with an update I've been... KIND OF putting off due to nerves. As many of you know, Remi Razzles created quite the divide in the community, and I haven't been sure how to approach the subject again. I finally ripped the bandaid, though! Now we have a reference. A lot has changed, admittedly, so I totally understand if you backed for Remi but they just aren't what you were hoping for! I am honoring refunds until the surveys lock and preorder store closes, so please feel free to reach out to me via email ([email protected]) and I will issue it right away!

Remi Razzles

This is a pretty complicated design, so I won't be surprised if many things change after our first prototype! So, I hope everyone can keep an open mind and open heart about this. Some things that look great 2D just do not translate to 3D as well as we hope. It happens.

I'll be getting a quote and paying for Remi this week! They're the only one I haven't paid for due to the fact I sat on solidifying their design for so long haha.

I also want to give everyone time to share their thoughts or concerns. Please be kind when you do this. There is a difference between constructive criticism and being rude. 

Una Ube

We are still working on Una! I didn't expect her to be so difficult, but we have encountered a couple of issues. Mainly with the tail. They cannot source a longer fur that is the same color as it is now. The best we could do is find a color similar. I'm not a big fan of the idea, though. I think one of the biggest issues is that the tail is to thick, as well. It should be thinner and taper towards the end.

I could potentially ask them to make a structure that mimics the shape that I've drawn out in her ref for the tip of her tail. I'm not sure how good that would look, though lol.

Another thing that came up on our Discord (if you aren't a part of the discord, please consider joining for quicker updates and more in depth discussion!) is that some feel as if Una should have a similar body type as Gertie. They feel like Una should be slimmer and more dainty, so I am attaching a poll to this update!

Una Sample 2

For now, here are some images of what we got going! I think she is cute as she is, in terms of body type. I like my stout horses, but I could see her being dainty too. It might cost extra at this point to change her body type, but I don't know without asking.

I'm also requesting that they secure her bangs to her forehead with a stitch so it's not flopping around haha.

Other News

So... yeah! London and Dotty are on their way to me. I'm not sure if I shared this here, but they found a bigger nose for London, so he definitely looks more lion-y now!  I will get some really good pictures of him once he arrives. If we notice anything I missed from the manufacturer videos and photos, I'm sure we can get them edited and fixed before mass production.

London Lollipop

The lighting in these photos are very harsh, so I can't wait to see him in person and get some different photos haha. They're sending bot samples to me: One with a full mane and one with just the hair on top of his head. I'm excited to compare and contrast them in person and run one final poll to see which version will be mass produced!

We have a lot going on~~ I'm sorry I haven't been as active here! I've been sick for 2 weeks with a very strange cough and sinus issues. It has been really awful. I hope I'm almost over it.

But I will be back soon with another update! Please don't forget to vote on the poll!

Happy Holidays!

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