Hello Everyone! David Silva here from Creative Beast Studio. Before I get to our big news, I want to begin by personally thanking you all for believing in and backing the Prehistoric elephants project! The Eons team and I are so excited for the opportunity to bring you these beautiful, unique action figures that are truly like nothing else on the market.
Last week, I made an announcement on my social media regarding a handing-off of the Mammoth project to us, but for those that may have missed it, here is our official statement:
'As many of you know, our team has been working closely with the good people at Eons to bring you the best Wooly Mammoth action figures on the planet. And while our involvement thus far has been limited to product development, I'm thrilled to announce that Creative Beast Studio has been given the opportunity to take the reins on this project moving forward! We've been in discussions lately with the Eons team and we all agree that with our years of experience managing and fulfilling crowdfund rewards, that this will be the best way forward to serve those who have backed the project and beyond. This will allow us the freedom to provide more updates, faster and accurate communication, and a smoother fulfillment process.
As of next Monday, March 17th, the Eons BackerKit store will be closed and the three non-exclusive figures will then be found on our own preorder shop. Those that preordered through the Eons BackerKit will be locked-in to receive their figures in highly collectible, limited-edition Eons packaging! The remainder of the Mammoths production run, which will be sold in our own web shop and other trusted on-line retailers, will feature the standard Beasts of the Cenozoic branding and will remain at the current preorder pricing. If you ordered non-action figure rewards, like the signed postcard or Eons magnet, those are also on track to be fulfilled.
Keep an eye out for our first BackerKit update next week along with survey info and more. Thank you to everyone who’s backed this project and we look forward to getting these amazing figures into your collection later this summer!'
The Mammoth project has a new home!
Annnd here we are with the new update! I also added this bit of info on the non-funded protoypes that we showed leading up to campaign.
"I know a lot of people will be wondering about the fate of the unreleased Gomphotherium, Playbelodon, and Moeritherium- we hope to release them as part of Beasts of the Cenozoic line in 2026!"
Okay, now I'll run down some key notes to get everyone up to speed.
Surveys are now sent!
Please keep an eye on your emails for your Prehistoric Mammoth BackerKit survey. Click through the survey to confirm your mailing address so the shipping can be properly calculated. And you'll also have the opportunity to add additional items if you'd like. Note that all BackerKit orders will receive the exclusive Eons packaging. Which leads us to the next bit of news...
The BackerKit Preorder Store is now closed- Mammoth Preorders have moved to creative-beast.com!
As we shift the project from Eons to Creative Beast Studio, the three non-exclusive items (1/18th Mammoth, Mammoth Baby, and 1/35th Mammoth) have all been moved to my web shop here as part of our Beasts of the Cenozoic line: https://creative-beast.com/product-category/all-beasts-of-the-cenozoic/ Orders placed through creative-beast.com will receive the Beasts of the Cenozoic style packaging. Please note that the package art will be the same for both package versions- only the branding will be different.
Last call for the Snowy 2-Pack Mammoths
Now that the BackerKit preorder store is closed, the only way you can still order this set is through the BackerKit surveys. This 2-pack will be available exclusively in the Eons-style package. so how long do you have to finalize your surveys you ask?
Survey Lockdown is Friday, April 18th!
As of Friday April 18th, the BackerKit surveys will be closed and locked. All charges will be collected at that time for shipping and additional items. So while you don't need to make your final decisions right away, we will need to have all of the final orders in by that time so we can properly determine the production quantities.
Current project status and moving forward
The Mammoths are currently in the tooling stage of development and we should be seeing our first plastic-injected test shot figures sometime in April. The plan right now is to have everything ready to ship in late summer, possibly coinciding with our upcoming Beasts of the Mesozoic assortment. The Eons add-ons such as the signed postcard, magnets and pins are also planned to be packed and fulfilled along with the figures. And as a final 'Thank You' from the Eons team, they'll be including a signed postcard with all BackerKit action figure orders!
Follow our Progress!
I'm planning to post more consistently here about the project status. But in the meantime, you can follow our progress on the Mammoths and all of our other work on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, or visit the 'News' section of my website updated every week. You can also sign up for our newsletter at creative-beast.com for all project news, preview videos, promotions and monthly gift card giveaways!
Thank you all again for your support and until next time!