Tim Roberts
10 days ago

Project Update: Production update - the tees are here.

Hey there,

So, the good news is that we have the T-shirts! Here are some pics (yep, that's me proving that if my game writing career fails I've always got the modelling to fall back on).

Next up will be the dice. We are expecting them into our studio next week. I'll be sure to send pics as soon as I have them. The game itself is in proofreading, so depending on how much bad grammar needs adjusting I'm hoping to get the PDFs out this month. Right after that we are heading to print.

Big thanks to everyone who came to see us at PaxWest in Seattle. Those of you who were backers of the campaign were so kind in your comments and really got us through that jet lag with the excitement about the game.

I know you've all been hyper-patient and we are in the final stages of getting everything together now. I really can't wait to get everything in your hands.

There will likely be one more update before I send out the PDFs. Then it's just waiting for the final prints of books and GM screens before we start fulfilling.

I'll be back again shortly with more good news!

Thank you for your support,

Tim <3





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