Tim Roberts
2 months ago

Project Update: Production Update

Hey there,

Just a quick update to keep you in the loop. 

After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing over Pantone printing issues, we are finally underway with the books. We are printing 3000 copies, so at this point I can't get an exact date for when we will receive them, but that will be nailed down in the next couple of weeks.

We also have the BM screens in printing and the boxes for the World Tour pledges (these will be printed much quicker).

As soon as I have photos of any of these, I will get them posted for you.

Finally, I will be uploading the latest version of the PDF tomorrow which includes a few errata fixes that we made before we sent everything to print (phew). You will get an automatic notification if you have already downloaded the files.

If you have any questions or comments, please do drop them below.

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