Tim Roberts
about 2 months ago

Project Update: It's time to go to Uncanny Valley (Track 4).

Happy Thursday!

Today, we will visit one of the locations in the official book via the medium of Punk music. The penultimate track from The Official Punk is Dead EP, created by The Stereoflowers is called Uncanny Valley. This place will feature in the starter scenario in the book.

Grab the track here.

I want to thank everyone who turned up for the livestream of me playing Korvus last night. It had been a long day of writing, and I was feeling the burn, but you all pulled me through. I'll be streaming every Wednesday at 7 pm GMT, and there will always be a giveaway for one lucky viewer!

You can follow us at www.twitch.tv/critical_kit to get notified when I go live. Alternatively, if you like YouTube, subscribe at www.youtube.com/criticalkit, as I simultaneously stream there, too.

Each week, I'll play a solo RPG (not always my own), natter about what projects I've got coming up and do some general TTRPG chatting with all the viewers.

Finally, there are only four days left to purchase our Halloween and Christmas advent calendars on Kickstarter. Tomorrow, I will upload a few special add-ons you can also grab.

That's all for now. I'll be back with the final track tomorrow, and then on Saturday, I'll fire out an email with all of the tracks linked.

Have a great rest of the day!

Tim <3

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