Tim Roberts
7 days ago

Project Update: Meet the trash foragers. Which one are you?

Hey there,

Now we are over 24 hours into our campaign, the foragers' curiosity is quelling their shyness. They are ready to meet you. But which forager is most like you? There's a poll attached to this update so you can let us know.

Here they all are, again. Below the image is a brief description of each one

Which forager are you?

  • Scamper is fleet of foot, but what they gain in dexterity occassionally comes at the cost of impatience.
  • Trample is strong and dependable, but their little legs and the weight of all that hair slows them down.
  • Swoop has the advantage of flight, as well as a great sense of hearing and smell. However, often with their head literally in the clouds, they can miss some important details.
  • Burrow is a great investigator and can find things that others often miss. But spending much time with their head in the ground makes them less social than other foragers.
  • Scurry are team players. They can harness strength in numbers when foraging and solving problems. They do have a reputation for wandering off and getting lost, though.

Do any of those sound like you? Let us know in the poll, which one calls to you. Or, why not make up your own forager and tell us about them in the comments?

Now is also a good time to remind you that there is less than 24 hours left to pledge if you want to receive a signed bookplate in your reward.

Finally, we are almost at the 50k mark. This means in the next few hours we are likely to pass the stretch goal that gives all backers a free set of STL files to 3D print their own minis!

That's all for this update, but please do tell your friends about our game if you think they might like it. It's your support that helps us bring things like this to the world.

Until next time!

296 votes
STL files of the foragers for all backers.
Goal: £50,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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