As far as I understand that is correct! With the Pay Over Time option, you’ll need to wait until all payments are complete before accessing the survey to make your final selections. You can pay off your balance early at any time!
Here's a link to an article meant for creators, but it still may help provide helpful insight as a backer :
That said, I will be ordering PLENTY of extras! My goal is to have enough to cover all rewards and keep stock in my shop for a long time. The majority of backers do not meet the $150 threshold either, only a small percent do, so that helps lower the risk. Only completed surveys can be locked too, so don’t worry about not having access to your survey later!
As far as I understand that is correct! With the Pay Over Time option, you’ll need to wait until all payments are complete before accessing the survey to make your final selections. You can pay off your balance early at any time! Here's a link to an article meant for creators, but it still may help provide helpful insight as a backer : That said, I will be ordering PLENTY of extras! My goal is to have enough to cover all rewards and keep stock in my shop for a long time. The majority of backers do not meet the $150 threshold either, only a small percent do, so that helps lower the risk. Only completed surveys can be locked too, so don’t worry about not having access to your survey later!