Crossed Paths
4 months ago

Project Update: October Update - A quick showcase of some changes

Hey everyone,

It's been a while so I just wanted to show you a quick state of play and tell you where things are at.

The Game

While I was finishing off the game's core design I realised something was missing. It didn't feel like a game that invoked the OSR inspiration that initially led to it's creation but with that added magic that grounds it inside my world so I am currently redesigning the game's layout from scratch to meet the expectations I had and give you a game that is more than just text blocks.

Here is a sneak peak on how vividly I've redesigned things!

Ashes Internal Redesign

I cannot wait to get this cleaned up and send over the playtest version to everyone here!

An update on the Solo Campaign Stretch Goal

We were literally 23 backers away from that goal and I feel like with an extra hour or two it could have been reached. As to not rush anything I will say that if I can get this game finished ahead of my internal timelines then I will write the expansion as part of the core book.

If things end up taking time then I will still write the expansion but as a free release later down the line. It will happen, not promising any timings yet!


Surveys will be on hold until this is finished, our goal is to only send the surveys out when we have solid dates for PDF delivery and can create a well built timeline to cover all aspects because there's no point sending out a survey then having you wait months to get the PDFs, it should be one experience.

I don't currently have an ETA on when this will be finished as I am away next week but I will say I am 90% done with core rules as the first dungeon run and when I'm back it will be at the top of my priority list.

I want to thank everyone for their ongoing support and I really hope you like the new layout, I poured my love for the narrative and game design into this so I hope it shows!

-- Ash





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