That's right, wolves of the realm- we're in the final step before ordering prints!
The finished layout is with our incredible editor Tyler Crumrine for final review before we package the documents up and send them to our printer. This also means that the digital versions should be available pretty soon, too! 😉
I'm putting a few more layout teasers/mockups at the bottom of this update for you all~
We have a patreon!
In case you missed it, last month we launched a patreon! Jam is making awesome postcard dungeons and stickers every month, and you can sign up to get them in the mail! I'm also doing blog posts that patrons will get a whole month early.
That's all for this month, so enjoy these fantastical teasers~ As always, you can join our discord and sign up for our newsletter to keep up with us outside of this project!
Quest & Favors spread, featuring art from Sharpibees
Shadows spread, featuring art by Jam
Troll Cout spread, featuring art by Grendel Menz
Zephyr's Rest spread, featuring map art by Fernando Salvaterra