We've been hard at work getting Perfect Draw! ready to ship to backers as well as building up our new projects in the background. We're really excited to get everything into players' hands! With that all said, one of the things we get asked a lot is where people can buy a copy of the physical book now that the crowdfunding campaign is over.
Please note that the page is still being worked on, but we've been given special permission to share it with you all early for anyone who missed their chance to grab a physical copy!
Printing Update
The printers are at work getting all of the copies we need printed so we can start shipping things out.
All assets are completely finalized for the softcover and hardcover versions
The printers have been paid and are getting to work!
Test copies are being confirmed
For the moment it's hard for us to give an exact date due to continued turbulence from global supply chains, but we hope to get it to everyone as soon as possible!
Looking for More Anime Roleplaying?
Our Publishing Partner has recently launched their own anime roleplaying game compatible with Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition and 2024 - An'Imaria. Designed to expand and adapt D&D's core rules to better play with action-anime style stories, they've created an incredible amount of new player options and tools for DMs.
They're only 6 days away from the end of the campaign with only a little bit more until they reach their goal! If you're a fan of 5E's style of play, and want it to be a little bit more anime, then please give them a look!