Nora Haynes
6 months ago

Project Update: Booster Pack Update - Version 0.4

Hey everyone! Nora again!

If you saw the most recent update then you'd know that just under two weeks ago we released the final version of Perfect Draw! on and...  somehow we became the #1 most popular physical game on the whole website, beating out games like Lancer, Panic at the Dojo, Wanderhome, and more! The popular page is based on recent interest of course, and as other projects get their time in the limelight we'll almost certainly fall to a more reasonable level - but staying in the top stop for over a week is just an incredible achievement.

Please Note: Some backers have had difficulty connecting their copy of Perfect Draw! to their account - if this is you, then you can still download the final version of the game through Backerkit. Otherwise, please take this opportunity to get in touch with me on our Discord and I'll do my best to resolve any issues. 

Changes in v0.4 of the Booster Pack

With all of the above said, we're still working hard on the Booster Pack and we're incredibly excited to show get this special content only possible due to your support into everyone's hands. The changes present in the newest version of the Booster Pack are:

  • Various typos, formatting, and inconsistencies fixed.  
  • 9 New Premade Cards have been added. 
  • A New "Examples of Ribbon Effects" section has been added.
  • "Draft Rules" have been added to the "Alternate Formats" section.
  • Art has been added to "The Crew"
    • Lore regarding the "Ben, Bonny, and Parrot" encounter has been modified to better suit the new art for The Crew. 

With these changes, the content of the Booster Pack should be overall consistent with the content we intend to include in the final version. The only thing still missing is the "Playing the" and "Running the" sections for each of the playbooks and alternate formats - This advice is contingent on play testing however and will necessarily have to be made a little later on.

Booster Pack Feedback is Open!

With the Booster Pack's content catching up to what we wanted to include in it, we've finally opened up a "Feedback" forum on our Discord. From this channel you can let us know any feedback you have in regards to the new content from the book, let us know if you spot any errors, or just tell us if anything came off as confusing to you in reading.

Next Update

Now that the core Perfect Draw! book is out and publicly accessible, it's likely that updates will slow down somewhat. Shipping this many books is still likely to take some time before we have any news. Additionally, play testing the Booster Pack will take a decent amount of time for any significant changes to be worth updating you all about. You can expect a Booster Pack update like this one in a month from now at the minimum, and we'll do our best to update you on the physical books situation then. Otherwise, we'll update you whenever we get news. For more frequent updates, both myself and Iris are active on our Discord and tend to share behind the scenes updates there.

We hope your games of Perfect Draw! are going well! In the meantime, here's the full art Thunderderder completed for The Crew!

Thank you all,
Nora Haynes
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