Latest from the Creator
Gaming Ballistic
2 days ago
UK Hub Packages on the way!
On Sept 17 I arranged with GamesQuest for a DHL "pull request," which is an import request from them to bring the books into the country. I can report that the DHL tracking show...
Gaming Ballistic
10 days ago
Last packages go out this week
I received the "oops, inventory low" copies of Dragon Hunt and the Till Death Do Us Part/Tower of the Moon quick reference cards yesterday, and have picked and packed ... everyt...
Gaming Ballistic
16 days ago
Coming to an end soon!
So, I have received word from both my card printer and Mixam that my "oops, should have mathed first" orders of Dragon Hunt! and extra decks of Tower of the Moon/Till Death Do U...
Gaming Ballistic
26 days ago
Final boxes of cards in hand tomorrow; fulfillment continues
I got word that the last 50 boxes of cards (the Jok Sevantes Campaign and Five TFT Solos compilation packs) are done and I'll go get them tomorrow morning. I expect that one way...
Gaming Ballistic
30 days ago
WK Cards in Hand - Round 2 Fulfillment starts
Despite a small kerfuffle with boxes that will push full receipt of all cards printed into early next week, I took delivery (meaning I went to Artiforge and got them) of 250 de...
Gaming Ballistic
about 2 months ago
Fulfillment starts; Card Order Lead Time
I have picked and packed the first 70-75 or so orders for which I have all the stuff. I also marked as fulfilled those all-digital orders from those who have completed their sur...
Gaming Ballistic
2 days ago

Project Update: UK Hub Packages on the way!

On Sept 17 I arranged with GamesQuest for a DHL "pull request," which is an import request from them to bring the books into the country. I can report that the DHL tracking shows that they were out for delivery about six hours ago, and so they're likely already at the warehouse.

It usually takes GQ/ShipQuest a few days to check the books into inventory. All the proper SKUs are entered into the GQ system, pending actually removing one (a PDF SKU got left in there accidentally). If they don't handle this by today I can re-upload the file myself, and I expect it'll go in fine.

That means that hopefully soon, the UK-Hub orders for 16 backers will start shipping.

That will pretty much bring this project to a close. I have two "no survey" pledges to deal with shortly, and then that'll be a wrap.

What's next for TFT? Probably the Elazar sourcebook plus an associated GM'd adventure module set on Elazar, Sea Hag's Wrath.

I'll be posting the PDF and Print books on my Shopify Website Real Soon Now for those who missed the crowdfunding. 




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Gaming Ballistic
10 days ago

Project Update: Last packages go out this week

I received the "oops, inventory low" copies of Dragon Hunt and the Till Death Do Us Part/Tower of the Moon quick reference cards yesterday, and have picked and packed ... everything that has a finished survey.

I'll be dropping the final domestic packages into the mail before noon. I've reached out to my contact at GamesQuest to start a pull-request for a DHL shipment (when they pull the import, there are fewer issues than when I push one to them, with respect to customs).

There are less than a single handful of packages not accounted for once those final 16 backers' orders go out to the UK.

So ... we're really and truly at the end. Thanks for joining me on the journey, and I will be back later with Sea Hag's Wrath and the Isle of Elazar Sourcebook, both by David. Those manuscripts are both in hand but need to be edited. Then ... we'll come around again.

That being said, while I'm finishing up with this version of Warlock Knight for The Fantasy Trip, those of you who also play the Dungeon Fantasy RPG might be interested to see WK translated to Powered by GURPS ... and in color, no less.

That campaign goes on until this Saturday, though it's on Kickstarter this time. The late pledges and pledge manager will come to Backerkit, though. Way, way less work!




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Gaming Ballistic
16 days ago

Project Update: Coming to an end soon!

So, I have received word from both my card printer and Mixam that my "oops, should have mathed first" orders of Dragon Hunt! and extra decks of Tower of the Moon/Till Death Do Us Part cards will both be here next week.

That means for the seven folks who have not quite completed their checkout process, once I send out the final books I'll contact you for "last chance" notification, after which I will need to cancel pledges for which zero dollars have changed hands, and revert to digital and refund 80% of the difference for those whose pledge went through but the survey (and therefore the all-important actual shipping address) hasn't been complete. 

It also means that I'll be arranging a shipment of a full box of goods to the roughly dozen-and-a-half backers served out of the UK hub.

For the rest, I hope you've received and are enjoying your stuff!




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Gaming Ballistic
26 days ago

Project Update: Final boxes of cards in hand tomorrow; fulfillment continues

I got word that the last 50 boxes of cards (the Jok Sevantes Campaign and Five TFT Solos compilation packs) are done and I'll go get them tomorrow morning. I expect that one way or another most of the domestic packages will be in the mail over the next two days. I shipped out the AUS/Canada stuff this morning before USPS even opened.

Once I finish that up, I'll box up a shipment for the UK hub. There are only 15 such backers, so it's box-and-ship rather than print, not to mention that 13/15 of y'all ordered the card deck, which has to come from the USA anyway.

Comin' down to it!




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Gaming Ballistic
30 days ago

Project Update: WK Cards in Hand - Round 2 Fulfillment starts

Despite a small kerfuffle with boxes [1] that will push full receipt of all cards printed into early next week, I took delivery (meaning I went to Artiforge and got them) of 250 decks of Warlock Knight cards today.

That should put me into a good position to pick and pack all of the US-Hub packages that don't include the Jok Sevantes or Five TFT Solos combination decks this weekend.

Shortly, those of you who fall into the group that is receiving only the WK book and cards - and there are 143 of you who have filled out your surveys - from within the USA will get a shipping notification that means I've printed the label. It is possible that some or all of these will go into the mail over the next two days. It is certain they will go into the USPS system by Monday evening.

If you are one of the 13 folks who have yet to fill out your survey, please do so. There are three more with some outstanding issues that need to be resolved before I can fulfill your order, but I won't get pesky about anything until I have that last batch of cards, which should be by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.

So: Real Soon Now, the only packages that won't be in the mail are the UK-hub books. There are 16 of you, and I'll start arranging that bulk shipment as soon as I get the final batch of cards.

[1] For those that care, I ordered some boxes from a different source that were apparently labeled with outside dimensions rather than inside dimensions. So my 5x7 boxes were more like 5.5 x 6.5 boxes and the cards would not fit nicely inside the way they usually do. I'm re-ordering from my usual source, careful to purchase by inside dimensions, and that's a one-day delivery (tomorrow, since this problem was ID'd and solved by noon). So the team will get them labeled and loaded over the next few days, then at the first clear moment in my schedule I'll nip over and pick them up. It's only 50 decks so I can easily fit them in my smaller car, not needing my wife's larger one.
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