Gaming Ballistic
6 months ago

Project Update: Last packages go out this week

I received the "oops, inventory low" copies of Dragon Hunt and the Till Death Do Us Part/Tower of the Moon quick reference cards yesterday, and have picked and packed ... everything that has a finished survey.

I'll be dropping the final domestic packages into the mail before noon. I've reached out to my contact at GamesQuest to start a pull-request for a DHL shipment (when they pull the import, there are fewer issues than when I push one to them, with respect to customs).

There are less than a single handful of packages not accounted for once those final 16 backers' orders go out to the UK.

So ... we're really and truly at the end. Thanks for joining me on the journey, and I will be back later with Sea Hag's Wrath and the Isle of Elazar Sourcebook, both by David. Those manuscripts are both in hand but need to be edited. Then ... we'll come around again.

That being said, while I'm finishing up with this version of Warlock Knight for The Fantasy Trip, those of you who also play the Dungeon Fantasy RPG might be interested to see WK translated to Powered by GURPS ... and in color, no less.

That campaign goes on until this Saturday, though it's on Kickstarter this time. The late pledges and pledge manager will come to Backerkit, though. Way, way less work!





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