Gaming Ballistic
7 months ago

Project Update: WK Cards in Hand - Round 2 Fulfillment starts

Despite a small kerfuffle with boxes [1] that will push full receipt of all cards printed into early next week, I took delivery (meaning I went to Artiforge and got them) of 250 decks of Warlock Knight cards today.

That should put me into a good position to pick and pack all of the US-Hub packages that don't include the Jok Sevantes or Five TFT Solos combination decks this weekend.

Shortly, those of you who fall into the group that is receiving only the WK book and cards - and there are 143 of you who have filled out your surveys - from within the USA will get a shipping notification that means I've printed the label. It is possible that some or all of these will go into the mail over the next two days. It is certain they will go into the USPS system by Monday evening.

If you are one of the 13 folks who have yet to fill out your survey, please do so. There are three more with some outstanding issues that need to be resolved before I can fulfill your order, but I won't get pesky about anything until I have that last batch of cards, which should be by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.

So: Real Soon Now, the only packages that won't be in the mail are the UK-hub books. There are 16 of you, and I'll start arranging that bulk shipment as soon as I get the final batch of cards.

[1] For those that care, I ordered some boxes from a different source that were apparently labeled with outside dimensions rather than inside dimensions. So my 5x7 boxes were more like 5.5 x 6.5 boxes and the cards would not fit nicely inside the way they usually do. I'm re-ordering from my usual source, careful to purchase by inside dimensions, and that's a one-day delivery (tomorrow, since this problem was ID'd and solved by noon). So the team will get them labeled and loaded over the next few days, then at the first clear moment in my schedule I'll nip over and pick them up. It's only 50 decks so I can easily fit them in my smaller car, not needing my wife's larger one.
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