Gaming Ballistic
5 months ago

Project Update: Coming to an end soon!

So, I have received word from both my card printer and Mixam that my "oops, should have mathed first" orders of Dragon Hunt! and extra decks of Tower of the Moon/Till Death Do Us Part cards will both be here next week.

That means for the seven folks who have not quite completed their checkout process, once I send out the final books I'll contact you for "last chance" notification, after which I will need to cancel pledges for which zero dollars have changed hands, and revert to digital and refund 80% of the difference for those whose pledge went through but the survey (and therefore the all-important actual shipping address) hasn't been complete. 

It also means that I'll be arranging a shipment of a full box of goods to the roughly dozen-and-a-half backers served out of the UK hub.

For the rest, I hope you've received and are enjoying your stuff!




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