Gaming Ballistic
6 months ago

Project Update: UK Hub Packages on the way!

On Sept 17 I arranged with GamesQuest for a DHL "pull request," which is an import request from them to bring the books into the country. I can report that the DHL tracking shows that they were out for delivery about six hours ago, and so they're likely already at the warehouse.

It usually takes GQ/ShipQuest a few days to check the books into inventory. All the proper SKUs are entered into the GQ system, pending actually removing one (a PDF SKU got left in there accidentally). If they don't handle this by today I can re-upload the file myself, and I expect it'll go in fine.

That means that hopefully soon, the UK-Hub orders for 16 backers will start shipping.

That will pretty much bring this project to a close. I have two "no survey" pledges to deal with shortly, and then that'll be a wrap.

What's next for TFT? Probably the Elazar sourcebook plus an associated GM'd adventure module set on Elazar, Sea Hag's Wrath.

I'll be posting the PDF and Print books on my Shopify Website Real Soon Now for those who missed the crowdfunding. 





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