Six Solos + Cards (Physical and Digital)

Six Solos + Cards (Books and Cards)

This pledge level includes all six published solo adventures by David Pulver with Gaming Ballistic in both physical and digital format. It also includes the Decks of Destiny style NPC/Monster cards for the adventures. They present a range of challenges from "starting characters" to "experienced heroes who may meet their doom anyway."

  • Warlock Knight (Print + PDF)
  • Dark Lord's Doom (Print + PDF)
  • Till Death Do Us Part (Print + PDF)
  • Vampire Hunter Belladonna (Print + PDF)
  • Monster Hunter Belladonna (Print + PDF)
  • Dragon Hunt! (Print + PDF)
  • Physical + PDF Card Deck for NPC/Monsters for Warlock Knight (~50 entries)
  • Physical + PDF Card Deck for NPC/Monsters for the other five solos (~180 entries)

Warlock Knight, Vampire Hunter Belladonna, Monster Hunter Belladonna, and Dragon Hunt are all set on the Isle of Sedra. Till Death Do Us Part and Dark Lord's Doom both occur on the neighboring Isle of Elazar (look for more on that later this year!)

The cards for the solo adventures (obviously) include the Monster Hunter Belladonna cards. If you also get the Isle of Sedra card set as an add-on, the MHB cards are duplicated in each set.

Shipping and taxes are assessed in the post-campaign Pledge Manager, as part of the "Backerkit Survey" process.

Six Solos + Cards (Physical and Digital)


20 Backers