Sedra and Warlock Knight (Books and Cards)

Sedra + Warlock Knight (Books and Cards)

This pledge level is for those who want the expanded setting material and reference aids in both digital and physical format, which will help a GM and players start an ongoing campaign in Sedra. 

  • Warlock Knight (Softcover print)
  • Warlock Knight (PDF)
  • Sedra Sourcebook (Softcover print)
  • Sedra Sourcebook (PDF)
  • Warlock Knight NPC/Monster Card Deck (Physical, ~50 cards)
  • Isle of Sedra NPC/Monster Card Deck (Physical, ~120 cards) 
  • Digital Quick-Reference PDF for NPC/Monsters for Sedra and Warlock Knight (~170 entries)

The Sedra Card deck is a bundle that also contains the PCs, NPCs, and monsters for the GM'd adventure The Scorpion Labyrinth as well as the Solo Adventure Monster Hunter Belladonna. The MHB cards are also included in the card deck for "Six Solo Adventures" pledge levels; there will be some duplicates if you get both.

Shipping and taxes are assessed in the post-campaign Pledge Manager, as part of the "Backerkit Survey" process.

Sedra and Warlock Knight (Books and Cards)


10 Backers